The list.

I’m starting a list of projects,  so I won’t forget the priority order.

1) finish socks for stepdad. Plan is to finish 1 if I don’t run out of wool playing yarn chicken

2) finish the pattern I’m writing

3) finish other sock (all this done by Friday morning)

4)find a pattern for clothing item to make my youngest and get at it
5) start dreambird shawl (I picked up the yarn at my lys today and I’m so excited but I’m putting the brakes on myself for now) (not finish, but start at least)

6) hubby socks

7) more work on winter is coming scarf

8) design another pattern

The last half of the list is more of my July to do list. I’m the worst at planning,  but I will try my best to make it happen. Next weekend is going to be a bit chaotic, which is why everything must get done now. (My son and I share a birthday,  which happens to fall 2 days before a major holiday,  and there’s lots of fireworks and less knitting time lol) I’ve started the gusset on the first sock of the first pair. Hopefully I will have it finished tomorrow so I can finish my pattern. Fingers crossed.