let me play catch up

The past few weeks have been financially breaking, in return has been emotionally tolling and most definitely not knit worthy. I don’t think I’ve done more than a dozen rows in the last 5 days. We replaced our HVAC system almost 2 weeks ago, it was at a lethal stage of trying to kill us if we turned the heat on this winter, as well as it was a constant 80+ degrees in the house consistently in over 90 degree weather. (it was also 20 years old which is ancient in HVAC years)  2 different outfits agreed that sucker had to go, and so did we.

That was nearly 2 weeks ago Friday. The following Monday I went to a lovely ShiBui yarn tasting at my lys. It was wonderful, finally found the perfect yarn for my Hitofude and was able to get that ordered. On my way home, nearly 2 miles from my house, a loud boom and pressure behind my pedals put me in new waters as my car committed suicide next to a conveniently placed gas station. I lost all power to use the gas and could barely push the brakes, and it was like the good ole days before power steering. I casually turned my hazards on and maneuvered my way to the gas station the best I could, and then I made the dreaded call to my hubby. (he swears I broke it on purpose)

After all that excitement, it turned out to be a broken timing belt that ruined my engine when it snapped. The joys of having an interference engine and not knowing if the prior owner kept things up to date. Sometimes you end up learning things the hard way. It would have cost me just as much to buy another car as it would to replace the engine, so the search began.

Car searches in the last 10 years have been made much easier with the internet. The last year or so, it seems like more and more people selling cars think themselves akin to dealers rather than private sellers. Pricing similarly but not offering the warranties or guaranties that the NADA pricing gets you with a car dealership. Of course this drove up the price of what used to be affordable cars, something I could have bought 3 years ago for $2000 they want nearly triple that with over 150,000 miles on it. I could have died laughing at the audacity of the nerve of some of these people. NADA is the National Automotive Dealership Association, they have a pricing guide book online, just like Kelly Blue Book and Kelly Black Book. Private sellers are in the same financial situation the buyers are, but some of them seem to think everyone is gullible for some reason not going to do their research.

We went out to look at a PT Cruiser, it was an 06 with less than 90,000 miles on it. They wanted $4000 for it, and that was higher than the pristine condition KBB for dealership sales was. Out of curiosity we went to see it, because pictures can be deceiving. Boy were they ever. Carfax claimed ZERO accidents, had major fender damage on the drivers side, and someone had tried to repaint the damage on the grill, and it was missing pins so when you drove it there was a horrible thumping sound where the fender was loose on the driver’s side. The interior had cigarette burns, stab marks and wreaked of smoke. The rear view mirror needed to be replaced as it was so damaged you couldn’t see out of it. The muffler needed to be replaced, paint was cracked and chipping, minor dings and dents everywhere. Overall it was neglected and in P.O.S. status, nowhere near good, let alone like new. We gave the guy a lowball offer and he said he had more people coming to look at it but might consider it if nobody made an offer. There was a ton of other work I knew it was going to need and it just didn’t fit the bill.

When you live in a smaller city with a financially disproportionate population, it makes it more difficult to find what you are looking for. Eventually we ended up having to borrow money and expand our price range to get something newer with a warranty, and that dropped just in time for my birthday.

Saturday was crazy. We went out for a celebratory lunch for my son and I’s birthday. While there I received a phone call from a long time family friend, who may as well be family. He visited with his puppy and took the short people for rides in his semi. We eventually made it to our birthday party a few hours late. Enjoyed the time spent with family and friends. It was a great weekend spent reminiscing and just plain laid-back. Things are finally getting back into a routine, so hopefully I won’t have any more major upsets before tax time.

Now it’s time to grab the kids and go on an adventure with the Pokemon Go app that just came out!

Never ending knitting

I picked up some yarn at my lys and couple weeks back and got to work on my Jarvis sweater. It took 10 days from start to finish, and has been one of the quickest, easiest, fun knits I’ve done so far. The yarn I used was Cestari, which was a blend of cotton/silk/wool. It had a bit of vm in it that I picked out as I knit. It’s a very well made wool, enough so that I went back to my lys and picked up another sweaters worth of yarn.






The process was exciting, as it is my first official finished sweater for me. Now that I’m finished, I have a promised sweater for my daughter to get to work on, but not before my son’s last minute birthday request for a sweater is completed. (Birthday 7/2, same as mine and one heck of a time constraint)
I’m pretty sure I have plenty of knitting, including a couple of shawls that have been on the back burner, to last until school starts again.

A short blurb

The kids have been out of school for a couple of weeks. Keeping them busy and out of trouble has been the bigger focus lately. They play nicely for a while and then the claws come out of nowhere and everything comes to a halt. We’ve played lots of board games and hid in the air conditioning because of our 90°+ weather. We’ve even had a couple of water gun fights. Slowly but surely things are coming together for next weekends yard sale.

I’ve started a new project.(mainly in avoidance of others) It’s my first personal sweater, using the pattern Jarvis. I found a gorgeous blend of cotton/wool/silk for it at my lys and have had the damnedest time trying to photograph it.


The color is a grayish blue with a hint of green.


I was hoping to make some progress on it today, but my hvac decided to crap out and it’s been too hot to even think of picking up my knitting. The hvac is fixed now but we are still waiting for the house to cool down, as the average temperature inside is around 80° at the moment. I can’t wait for things to readjust and get back to knitting.

A finished object and relaxation

It’s been a while for me since I’ve posted, at least that’s my inner guilted monologue speaking. It’s been a bit of chaos here between hurrying through a project, cleaning and prepping for a holiday weekend with my in-laws just to end up sick.

Thursday I bound off the Aisling shawl I made for my mother in law. I ended up having to buy another skein of yarn as I ran out the last 12-18 inches from the end of the cabled border. Which probably ended up eating another 35 yards or so of the second skein. I stayed up late finishing and blocking the shawl as my in-laws were due the following evening. My blocking wires came in the day before and saved my night. Instead of spending an hour pinning, it was only about 15 minutes and I ran out of foam blocks to attatch them to, so my creativity was pushed a bit for nearly midnight.


The results looked better than the heinous blocking job.


I’m seriously contemplating another, if only for myself. It’s over 6 feet wide and just the right amount of light weight and breathable for being in the summer air conditioning. If only it didn’t feel like an eternity finishing it.


Last night I cast on Daydreamer, which is the first shawl in the Wanderlust Knits 2016 Collection. I’ve been eyeballing the vivid summer colors everywhere, and the strawberry-kiwi combination was something that I have been thinking of for a shawl for a bit. I found two brilliant shades of Malabrigo Sock that go together incredibly well, that I couldn’t resist making this shawl with them. I may have to wait on making progress on this for a bit because I still have to finish my Danse Macabre, as it’s been on the back burner so I could finish the Aisling.

I’m Jamie, and I’m a knitaholic, my favorite hobbies are buying yarn and falling into the glorious black hole that is Ravelry and loading myself up on more projects than I’ll ever finish.

A rush to the finish line

Sometimes we don’t realise how much we have to do until the days have counted down to the last few before an event or holiday. The time starts running out even quicker when you have deadlines. Add some umpteen dozen or so responsibilities and your knitting time is a fraction of what you would typically have. As the minutes to bed time get closer the quicker we knit and the more impatient we grow. Sometimes we make those deadlines, and sometimes we barely, just barely miss them. But despite all our efforts, the outcome of what we do, our nature for making things with love and gifting to those we hold dear at the end of the day typically pays off. There is no better sight than the smile of a recipient who has requested a particular item and opened said item without actually expecting it. My mother had hinted at something for her shoulders a while ago, and I had a few shawls on the go and decided why not make another. You can never have to many shawls on the needles! So I pulled out my copy of Pebble Beach Shawl and found the shawlette version that was included-perfect for the yardage with one skein of Cascade Heritage.
My goal was to be finished by Saturday night. I realized Thursday evening there were % finished points marked down the pattern.  Believe me, I wasn’t thrilled to find out I only had 35% done that morning. So I got on it and was knitting against my own will and setting goals with different points marked through out the pattern as to where I wanted to be finished by the end of the night, by noon the next day, etc. So I eventually ended up beating my goal and finished earlier early Friday afternoon after another heinous picot bind off.




I took the kids to go pick out some shawl pins and find one that matched and ended up picking up tulle and crocheted some scrubbies that I didn’t manage to take pictures of before gifting.

The majority of this week has been spent sorting and organizing. I’m trying to get a yardsale together and selling stuff online from my stash. I’ve managed to destash a boatload of beads and some yarn, and that money is going towards the hubby’s birthday and father’s day gifts. He’s already started shopping. Hopefully, next month when we have our yardsale it will be an ideal weekend and everything will be sorted through. Hubby has stuff to go through. I have kids rooms to go through and maybe stalk the garage for items. Boxes of kitchenware are already taking over my kitchen. My mom is coming over and bringing stuff to sell as well. The kids will be out of school and will be good helpers, so I’m prepared to take my earnings and put them towards a family vacation if all goes well.
We shall see.

Until then, I have 2 shawls I have to finish, a shirt started and a pair of socks. I wonder what will get finished first.

Love in a Mist

If anyone had told me that picot bind offs were the equivelant to being told you’re going to have to work an extra 5 hours of overtime after a double, I would have thought them full of it. After a few hours of struggling and managing to get the hang of it, I opted to go beadless as my patience had worn thin and I left enough after the bind off to rip it back if I felt like punishing myself later. There was no greater feeling than finishing the shawl and blocking every single one of those bazillion or so picots. Well worth it.


I don’t see many patterns and envision a particular color scheme right away, but I’ve had this one in my head for a few years. Now that it’s a reality, I’ve never been so thrilled with how things have turned out. It worked out perfectly from the matching beads to the the tonal reds of the Madeline Tosh Light ‘Tart’. I’m not a fan of solid colors, but give me a tonal and I’m in love. There’s something in the variation that brings it to life. Kind of like a good hair dye job. It brings out the personality rather than drown it out.
*edit: I forgot to mention it is currently sitting with the mad tosh light at my lys on display*

I did make a huge error this week. I should have checked the notes, but really, when was the last time someone did that over a washcloth for gauge? Not me, not ever, and now I’m royally regretting it after reading reviews. You see, the pattern was a knitpicks washcloth,  beautiful and unique-and you’d at least think it would be test knit. Well, whoever wrote it is an insanely tight knitter. Using the correct everything, a 12 inch in diameter pattern turned into a doily. It was close to 16 incest across.


Going pack through others project notes some people went down 4 or 5 needle sizes to get gauge. I’ve definitely learned, and on the bright side I have a new doily. The pattern is Lydia’s Lily Pad.

I ended up frogging my Danse Macabre, but started a new one with different yarn and beads. It definitely makes a difference when you’re happy with your combination. I’ve started this one with Madeline Tosh Lace in the colorway ‘Molly Ringwald’. It’s a beautiful sandy pink with slight tonal variations.


I can’t wait to get a move on with it.

Progress and a frog

So I’ve managed to get strep 2 weeks in a row. This also means that I haven’t had the focus and energy that I’ve needed to put into the projects that have been giving me issues. When I finally had a day to catch my breath and the motivation, I sat solemnly frogging my Danse Macabre promising myself to start it as soon as I finish my Love in a Mist.

My Love in a Mist is coming along beautifully and I couldn’t be happier. If only I could find a few more hours in the day to get it finished up! I’m anxious to wear it and get back to my DM. I’ve also started a shawl for my mil for when she visits us, but shhh… it’s a secret!


Love in a Mist progress

I should have used a lifeline

For the last week or so, everybody in my house except my husband seems to be suffering from one ailment or another. My daughter ended up with strep throat and managed to share that with me. So knitting has been a no go. I feel so behind even though I have the last page of clue 3 for Danse Macabre to go. Unfortunately my shawl isn’t aligning with the pattern, and I’m going to have to frog about 20 or so rows for it to line up. (I feel like crying right now) I need to find where I screwed up and put in a lifeline. I will have to do that when I’m without distractions, and this weekend will most certainly not be the time to do so. I have 2 soccer games tomorrow, an adventure including the 7 seas tonight at the school and more chores to finish up. I’m ready for a nap already, while the kids are rearing to go. Hopefully I’ll find my time to frog and cuss in peace.



It feels like forever since I’ve posted. I’ve  been preoccupied with many different things. Soccer, spring break, and shawl knitting have been the majors for me lately. I just started Thistledown by Booknits using some gifted yarn from Enchanted Stitches.


I’m working on sample projects for Enchanted Stitches with the gifted yarn. I was really surprised to see how much Heather sent, it was like Christmas opening the squishy mail.


I’ve already completed the Mustardseed Shawl by Booknits
It was fun watching it progress and my first ever shawl with beads.





I started on it Saturday and finished it last night, washed and blocked it as well. It was a delightfully easy pattern with crystal clear instructions. Typically,  lacework is intimidating to me because of my inability to keep track of the pattern repeats and I spend more time counting than I probably should. I was pleasantly surprised with how quick this knit up and how easy it was to add beads. I will definitely be making another one in the future.

I have a Love in a Mist shawl started in Madelinetosh in the colorway Tart and I’ve gotten matching beads for it. I think I’m going to be adding beads to everything I can, it’s so fun!


I’ve managed to finish my step dad’s socks, as well as a pair for myself.



I’m on a knitting spree. Seriously have not been this motivated in ages. Somewhere amidst all the chaos my car decided it didn’t need a sparkplug and we ended up stranded a block and a half from home. Thankfully it was a quick, cheap fix. My hubby rescued us and got the old neon back and running without any further issues.


Now I just have to survive the rest of spring break without losing my sanity.